Rock 'n' Road

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RnRR Road Run: Le Fregate – St John's Village (Out & Back)


09:00 - 10:30

The Rock n Road Runners run club free weekly group road run, takes place every Sunday along the more picturesque streets, alleys, roads, lanes and byways of Jersey As it’s the “Hospice to Hospice Half Marathon” weekend, and many of our wonderful runners and volunteers will be involved in the race, this Sunday we’ll be leading just one group of up to 60 mins (30 mins out and back). As always, ALL abilities are very welcome. All abilities are very welcome and catered for (our tail runner will always stay at the back). Do feel free to run for more or less time if you prefer though. The run group will be fully supported with a dedicated group leader and tail runner so no one will ever be left behind. The aim is always for a chatty pace but we appreciate that what this means varies from person to person so please run at a pace you are comfortable with. The group is open to runners of ALL experience levels and abilities. So whether you’re looking for some company on your long run, you’ve just started running or you’re looking for some motivation to run longer, this might be the group for you. Remember, if you run, you are a runner. We suggest that runners bring the following with them: running shoes, charged mobile phone with What3Words app, nutrition & hydration as required and weather-appropriate clothing. We do not mark the route so if you are concerned about getting lost, we suggest either downloading or familiarising yourself with the Strava route in the course description below or sticking with someone who knows the route and/or a tail walker/lead runner. If you would like to join the Rock n Road Runners run club click here or if you’d like to be added to our RNR Facebook or WhatsApp group, drop us an email at [email protected]. *Please note: Both club members and guests attending these group runs, acknowledge and accept that playing or participating in sport of any kind can be dangerous and may result in injury and damage to property. Members and guests shall take personal responsibility for their own actions and play or participate in the Club’s sporting activities at their own risk*

Thursday Intervals


18:00 - 19:00

LOCATION: THE FREEDOM TREE, ST HELIER This is a 60 minute coached session suitable for runners of all abilities, focused on building strength, stamina, power and speed through interval-based training. Basically, they can help you to improve your running. The session is lead by fully-qualified run coaches Dan, George and/or Rik and the 60 minutes includes a thorough warm up consisting of easy running, mobilisation work, dynamic stretching, drills and strides. This warm up also focuses on improving various aspects of your run technique, biomechanics and efficiency. Not only will interval training improve your performance at all distances but it’s a really fun and social way to train. Anyone and everyone can benefit from interval-training regardless of experience level or goals and the coaches are always on hand to answer any questions. The main set is usually interval-based, meaning that there is some faster-paced running for a set time or distance, interspersed with recovery which is either easy jogging, walking or standing. The aim of each interval session is to improve a certain aspect of our physiology, such as our pace at Lactate Threshold, Vo2 Max or increase our Running Economy and Neuromuscular Efficiency. (Don't worry if you don't know what all that means!) Your first interval session is free and all subsequent sessions are £5, unless you are a member of the Rock n Road Runners run club. If you would like more information or are keen to join the club click here or email [email protected]  THIS WEEKS SESSION - COACH: Dan Garrido    Workout: PLoS One Ascending Sprint Ladders Goal: This session focuses on priming your anaerobic energy system whilst helping you maintain your vo2max Warm-Up:2-3 minutes easy jogdynamic stretching and running drills3-4 strides building in pace to 90% Main Set:You’ll be alternating between very hard efforts and recovery jogs at a 1:3 work to rest ratio, with no stopping during the workout. The intensity should be controlled but near maximal on the fast intervals and an easy jog/fast walk during recovery.6 sets of15 sec sprint / 45 secs easy jog recovery (or fast walk)30 sec sprint / 90 secs easy jog recovery (or fast walk)45 sec sprint / 135 secs easy jog recovery (or fast walk)repeatPacing Tips:Aim to run the fast sections at around 90-95% effort, focusing on maintaining good form.The recovery jogs should be slow enough to catch your breath but keep moving.Notes:This workout is 36 minutes of continuous running. All the efforts should be run at near maximal effort for the entire length of time, so don't hold back, the idea is to elevate heart rate and spike blood lactate levels, and also stress the musculoskeletal system.   Cool-down (5 minutes): Easy jogging and walking for 5 minutes.   *Please note: Both club members and guests attending these group runs acknowledge and accept that playing or participating in sport of any kind can be dangerous and may result in injury and damage to property. Members and guests shall take personal responsibility for their own actions and play or participate in the Club's sporting activities at their own risk*  


  • Thursday = Intervals
  • Saturday = Trails
  • Sunday = Road

Check out our Group Runs here.

Rock N Road Runners

Rock N Road Runners, based in Jersey (Channel Islands), is a new, inclusive and sociable run club. If you run, you are a runner.

Check out our Group Runs here.

Our Mission

To be as inclusive as possible and encourage runners of all abilities and experience levels.

Join our community here to discover a whole range of benefits.

Say hi on Strava

Check out our Strava group to get inspiration on routes: Rock N Road Runners