Rock 'n' Road

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Latest News

Rock N Road Runners joins international “Cultural Olympiad” for Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics

“Sport Friendly” is an international, collaborative artistic experience led by artist Émilien Buffard, celebrating sports teams committed to diversity. In Jersey, the project is led by the Alliance française, a registered charity promoting French language and culture, and us! 21 teams from 16 countries took part a collaborative photographic production which began in Argentina two years ago and promotes inclusive sport, highlighting teams who seek to redefine the classic values of sport, affirming that, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, gender or physical or social condition - every person has a place. Local photographer Ryan O’Shea, a member of Rock N Road Runners, was commissioned to take a series of individual and group photographs which were then transformed into a traditional sporting “Panini Album” to highlight the norms still present in sport. The international edition “Sport Friendly: the field of diversity” features a rich collection of photos and testimonials from 22 teams across 16 countries, accompanied by exclusive interviews with 4 Olympic and international athletes. Commenting on the project, Noemie Alexandre, Event Co-ordinator at Alliance française, said: “It has been great working on this project alongside Rock N Road runners. Following the Olympics & Paralympics in Paris, our aim is to showcase how sport can be an inclusive space for all. We are very much looking forward to this beautiful exhibition of athletes from around the world and we hope it serves as a source of inspiration.” Sam Wilkes, who led the project for Rock N Road Runners, added: “Rock N Road Runners were excited to take part in this global project which celebrates inclusivity as it is huge part of our ethos – if you run then you’re a runner! Working with Alliance francais, Emilien and Ryan to produce such an interesting and thought provoking piece of collaborative art is huge for our group and Jersey.” Photographer Ryan continued: “It has been an honour and a pleasure to collaborate with Alliance francaise de Jersey, Émilien Buffard and Rock N Road on the #sportfriendlyproject which involved a total of 16 countries and 21 teams. I had the pleasure to not only photograph but be one of the subjects for the Jersey edition of this project. It will be great to see my photographs on show around the world and showcase this great project.”   Jersey will host its own exhibition of the final photography project in May 2025 at the Link gallery, part of Jersey Museum. For sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch. You can view the full project here:


Rock N Road Runners x Sark Running Club

One of the many benefits of being part of the Rock N Road Runners club is meeting like minded people. But it is isn't limited just to Jersey. Last year we arranged a trip for members to visit our neighbouring island to meet the Sark Running Club. This weekend, we are heading back to enjoy their kind hospitality, pubs, and of course up to 10 miles of running which includes lots of handy loops so it's open to all levels! Watch this space for an update on the trip...


Jersey parkrun: Rock N Road Runners takeover

It’s just before 8am on a cool and grey Saturday morning in Jersey. In just over an hour, nearly 320 people will be pounding the tarmac of Les Quennesvais cycle track but at this moment, it’s just me, Louise and (reluctant) local running celeb Wendy Gorvel standing in the car park. Every Saturday, parkrun is a free, timed 5k community event held all over the world with Jersey’s version being launched on September 26 2015. This is the first time that Rock N Road Runners has done a “takeover” so it’s all a bit new. Also in the car park are the usual RNRR Satruday morning trail runners, led by Will and tailed by Sylvie. Rock N Road Runners stole…I mean were inspired by, the tail runners at parkrun to make road and trail runs more inclusive and open. So it feels only fitting that we help out with the volunteering every now and then. The closer we get to 8am, the more parkrun stalwarts arrive. Mike, Sam, John, and Run Director Matt turn up to get the event prepped before runners arrive and today they have a willing army of hot pink wearing volunteers to help. It’s funny being on the other side of the operation. Like breaking some kind of fourth wall. I’ve only ever seen it from the other side as a runner and even when volunteering, it’s usually rocking up at the last minute. The amount of work that goes on behind the scenes is truly under appreciated. Volunteers are allocated to their allotted roles which are all designed to make the event go as smoothly as possible. I have taken the cowards way out and opted for a role with minimal chance of things going very wrong – finish tokens. With half an hour to go, prep is all done and the full contingent of 15 or so volunteers are ready to welcome the masses. It’s about this point when RD Matt invites us to say a few words about Rock N Road Runners before the event begins. This sounds great as Emily has done a sterling job in organising the takeover and would be perfect to do a few words. Weirdly though, she’s pointing at me. Along with a couple of other people. As Matt goes on to say, I’m not shy in coming forward. But I also absolutely hate stuff like this. Until it’s over. As a life coach once told me, I’m a collector of experiences. Turns out giving a speech to 300 runners was about to be my next experience… The start Matt stood on what I can only presume was a pink step-ladder from a doll’s house to give a brief introduction before handing over to me. I’d love to say that I sold the merits of the club and our weekly group runs with grace and style. But in reality, the whole thing went in a blur so I have no idea what I said. I just know I didn’t swear. Which was nice. As a seasoned pro, Matt re-took command of the mic and set everyone on their way. It was an impressive sight to look at it from this angle. There’s something very moving about collective goals and personal challenges which parkrun encapsulates each week. The volunteer team then headed towards the finish line where incredibly some of the frontrunners were already coming round for their second lap. It’s another amazing way to see a different part of a race (parkrun is not a race) that I would never normally be involved in! Personally, I love the cheers of crowds so I tried my hardest to clap everyone through and I think that everyone else did the same. What I didn’t appreciate was how many people would smile back or say thanks. Again it’s like being on the other side of a two way mirror. After watching the leaders go through the 4k mark, the finish line team all got in to place and I have to say that I was pretty nervous. My hands and fingers were cold which made giving out the finish token to the first place runner more of a fumble than a glorious presentation. Super Sam Horsfall kept an impeccable watching brief next to me, keeping me reassured as the trickle of finishers turned into a deluge and then a flood. The funnel managers kept on top of the numbers coming through and I just handed out those tokens like I was a dealer at the Bellagio in Vegas, barely seeing the faces of the runners as they came through. But it worked. And like someone turning off a tap, the numbers coming through slowed and I was able to get my head up and greet finishers individually, recognising some and congratulating all. Behind me the scanners had done an impeccable job – we were part of a well-oiled finish line machine dressed in hot pink. There’s a proper buzz that comes from doing an event well – whether it’s parkrun, a corporate meeting or Knebworth. And as Alex and John came through as final and tail runners, I felt genuine pride in a job well done. Mainly not getting anything wrong. After that, we headed to Off The Rails for a well deserved breakfast. As I said to anyone that would listen…this experience made me want to volunteer again. Just definitely not run 5k. Below is a list of volunteers from the day but I’m super conscious that we have done one day. So many people give up their time every week to make it happen. As the saying goes, if you can’t run, volunteer. If you can’t volunteer then cheer. I’m already looking forward to our next Jersey parkrun takeover!   Volunteers: Rob RUMFITT Trevor GOODSON Michael CHAYTOR Alexandra SCHLUEP Sam WILKES Matt CUTHBERT Sam HORSFALL John DRELAUD Wendy GORVEL Richard ENGLISH Wayne ENGLISH Melanie GOUZINIS John CUNNINGHAM Debbie KENNEDY Leila MILES Ronnie ISHERWOOD Helen CLAYTON Juliet LE BREUILLY Daryl HOPLA Emily LE BEUVANT Jenny GRAY Lydia THEBAULT Jo WRIGLEY Sasha MASEFIELD Emma KIRBY Jason PIERRE


Upcoming Events

Sunday Road Run The Lookout – St Mary’s Pub (Out & Back)


09:00 - 10:30

The Rock n Road Runners run club free weekly group road run, takes place every Sunday along the more picturesque streets, alleys, roads, lanes and byways of Jersey. The group run is a maximum of 90mins on an ‘Out & Back’ (45mins out and 45mins back) course but please feel free to run for more or less time if you like.   There is also a 50 minute group option consisting of 25 minutes out & 25 minutes back on the same route.   All abilities are very welcome and catered for (our tail runner will always stay at the back). Do feel free to run for more or less time if you prefer though. The run group will be fully supported with a dedicated group leader and tail walker so no one will ever be left behind. The aim is always for a chatty pace but we appreciate that what this means varies from person to person so please run at a pace you are comfortable with. The group is open to runners of ALL experience levels and abilities. So whether you’re looking for some company on your long run, you’ve just started running or you’re looking for some motivation to run longer, this might be the group for you. Remember, if you run, you are a runner. We suggest that runners bring the following with them: running shoes, charged mobile phone with What3Words app, nutrition & hydration as required and weather-appropriate clothing. We do not mark the route so if you are concerned about getting lost, we suggest either downloading or familiarising yourself with the Strava route in the course description below or sticking with someone who knows the route and/or a tail walker/lead runner. If you would like to join the Rock n Road Runners run club click here or if you’d like to be added to our RNR Facebook or WhatsApp group, drop us an email at [email protected] *Please note: Both club members and guests attending these group runs, acknowledge and accept that playing or participating in sport of any kind can be dangerous and may result in injury and damage to property. Members and guests shall take personal responsibility for their own actions and play or participate in the Club’s sporting activities at their own risk*

Thursday Intervals


18:00 - 19:00

This is a 60 minute session focused on building strength, stamina, power and speed through interval-based training. This session is lead by fully-qualified run coach Dan, Rik and/or George. The 60 minutes include a thorough warm up consisting of easy running, mobilisation work, dynamic stretching, drills and strides. This warm up also focuses on improving various aspects of run technique, biomechanics and efficiency. Not only will interval training improve your performance at all distances but it’s a really fun and social way to train. Anyone and everyone can benefit from interval-training regardless of experience level or goals. The coaches are on hand throughout to answer questions or help you tailor the session to suit your own ability. The main set is usually interval-based, meaning that there is some faster-paced running for a set time or distance, interspersed with recovery which is either easy jogging, walking or standing. The aim of each interval session is to improve a certain aspect of our physiology, such as our pace at Lactate Threshold, Vo2 Max or increase our Running Economy and Neuromuscular Efficiency. These sessions are also individualised for each attendee as we regularly carry out 3k and 5k time trials (or use a recent race result) to ascertain pace zones for different running intensities. This allows you to run at the right effort and avoid overexerting and overtraining. The first session is free and all subsequent sessions are £5, unless you are a member of the Rock n Road Runners run club. If you would like to join the club click here or email [email protected] for more info. THIS WEEKS SESSION Workout: “Cooper Run Test” – Warm Up: Easy jogging, mobilisations, drills – Strides – Main Set: 12 min Cooper Run Test – Cooldown 12 min Cooper Run TestThe aim of this test is to run as far as you can in 12 minutes. This should be a near maximal effort by the end of the test – treat it like a race where you give it your all and finish all out with nothing left! Try to maintain a steady effort throughout i.e. try not to start out running too fast then having to slow down a lot throughout. The results from this test will enable us to establish training paces for different intensity zones. These paces will be placed into a Google Sheet which we can share with you. You can use these paces, along with other metrics (such as internal effort, heart rate, breathing rate, etc) to ensure that you are running at the right effort for certain intensity zones (e.g. recovery, easy, tempo, vo2, etc). With the results of this test we can also use normative tables to estimate your vo2max, an important metric of your cardiovascular fitness, so we can gauge progress with your training.   *Please note: Both club members and guests attending these group runs, acknowledge and accept that playing or participating in sport of any kind can be dangerous and may result in injury and damage to property. Members and guests shall take personal responsibility for their own actions and play or participate in the Club’s sporting activities at their own risk*


  • Thursday = Intervals
  • Saturday = Trails
  • Sunday = Road

Check out our Group Runs here.

Rock N Road Runners

Rock N Road Runners, based in Jersey (Channel Islands), is a new, inclusive and sociable run club. If you run, you are a runner.

Check out our Group Runs here.

Our Mission

To be as inclusive as possible and encourage runners of all abilities and experience levels.

Join our community here to discover a whole range of benefits.

Say hi on Strava

Check out our Strava group to get inspiration on routes: Rock N Road Runners