Code of Conduct

Rock N Road Runners (RNRR) CODE OF CONDUCT

Expected Conduct of all Athletes, Coaches, Run Leaders, Technical Offices And Guests;

As a member of Rock N Road Runners (RNRR) you are expected to:

  • Act ethically, professionally, with integrity, and take responsibility for your actions.
  • Not behave (whether by action or omission) in a manner which is disrespectful or  opposed to the general interests of RNRR, or the sport of running.
  • Do not behave in a way which brings the sport or the club into disrepute.
  • Not behave in a manner that is otherwise considered by RNRR to be unacceptable and  contrary to the conduct expected of a club member.

Code of Conduct for Athletes

As a responsible Athlete, you will:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every member, coach, official and others involved and treat everyone equally.
  • Cooperate fully with others involved in the club such as (but not limited to) coaches,  coordinators, run leaders, first aiders, and marshals in the best interests of the yourself,  other club members and members of the public.
  • Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport of running such as fair play and never  condone rule violations or the use of prohibited or age-inappropriate substances.
  • Anticipate and be responsible for your own needs including being organised, having the appropriate equipment and being on time.
  • Inform your coach of any other coaching that you are seeking or receiving.
  • Always be polite to coaches, run leaders and officials who enable you to participate.
  • As a responsible Athlete, when participating in or attending any running activities,  including training/coaching sessions and competition events you will:
    • Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others
    • Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour  that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical  and sexual abuse.
    • Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others
    • Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour
    • Avoid destructive behaviour and always leave venues/run routes as you find them
    • Not carry or consume alcohol and/or illegal substances.
    • Avoid carrying any items that could be dangerous to yourself or others excluding equipment used in the course of your running activity.

In addition, Athletes, especially young athletes and vulnerable adults, should follow these  guidelines on safe participation in activities:

    • Notify someone if you have to leave (why, where and when you will return.
    • Do not respond if someone seeks private information unrelated to running such as  personal information or home life information.
    • Strictly maintain boundaries between friendship and intimacy with a coach or technical  official.
    • Use safe transport or travel arrangements.
    • Report any accidental injury, distress, misunderstanding or misinterpretation to your  club Welfare Officer as soon as possible.
    • Report any suspected misconduct by coaches or other people involved with the club to  the Club Welfare Officer as soon as possible.

Code of Conduct for Club Coaches, Run Leaders, Committee Members and Event  Coordinators

As a responsible official you will:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every athlete and others involved in club activities  and treat everyone equally.
  • Place the welfare and safety of the athlete above the development of performance
  • Be appropriately qualified
  • Ensure that activities you direct or guide are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience  and ability of the individual athlete
  • At the outset clarify with athletes exactly what it is that is expected of them and what  athletes are entitled to expect from you
  • Cooperate fully with others involved in the sport such as technical officials, competition  providers/organisers, coaches, and representatives of a governing body in the provision of  fair and equitable conditions for the conduct of running activities and under the relevant  rules of competition.
  • Act in a decisive, objective but friendly manner in your interaction with officials, athletes,  coaches, spectators and members of the public. Carry out your duties in an efficient and  non-abrasive manner. Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play  and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited or substances
  • Never smoke whilst officiating or consume alcoholic beverages
  • Be fully prepared for the officiating task that is assigned to you
  • Dress appropriately for the activity
  • Arrive in good time
  • Conduct sessions with due respect to the welfare of the athletes
  • Encourage and guide athletes to accept responsibility for their own performance and  behaviour
  • Develop appropriate working relationships with athletes based on mutual trust and  respect
  • Do not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward

As a responsible person, when participating in or attending any running activities, including  training/coaching sessions and competition events you will:

  • Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others
  • Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour  that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical  and sexual abuse.
  • Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.
  • Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.
  • Avoid destructive behaviour and leave venues / run routes as you find them.
  • Not carry or consume alcohol and/or illegal substances.
  • Avoid carrying any items that could be dangerous to yourself or others.

In addition you should follow these guidelines as best practice:

  • Avoid critical language, such as sarcasm which could undermine an athletes self-esteem Always explain why and ask for consent before touching an athlete Report any suspected misconduct by coaches or other people involved to the Club Welfare Officer. Never try to recruit, either overtly or covertly, athletes who are already receiving coaching  elsewhere.