Race Report: AJ Bell Great Bristol Run 2024 by Kev Alway


Name: Kevin Alway

Race: AJ Bell Great Bristol Run 2024

Favorite RNRR Session: Sunday Road Run

Goal Time: Just finish due to heat

Finish Time: 01:39:03

Where did you stay?

With family in Wales - popped over the bridge in the morning.

How did you get to the location/race?

We drove to the center of Bristol and arrived 40 or so minutes prior to start. Whilst the car parks were pretty busy (15,000 runners that day) getting to the start was easy as we just followed the sea of neon!

Were you running for a cause?


Why did you decide to enter this race?

My Dad's family are from Bristol so I fancied doing something in that neck of the woods. Plus when I saw you get to run under Clifton Suspension Bridge...

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

Training has been difficult. Since completing Guernsey Marathon I've had a slight niggle in my legs. What probably didn't help was becoming too preoccupied with times I was achieving due to focusing on speed work. I've since begun one-on-one coaching with Rock and Road's very own Rik - and whilst the start of that and the race were only days apart I received some really great advice beforehand that did ultimately help me in this race.

How was the race organisation beforehand?

Superb - probably the best I've experienced. Downloading the app I got several push notifications prior to the event including the all important weather updates that allowed me to plan accordingly.

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

Yes I did - and it paid dividend. As mentioned whilst having a chat with Rik I was reminded that pace isn't everything, and whilst I had initially thought of getting a PB the want to extend the longevity of my time as a runner, coupled with the 25 degree heat in a city center made me pull on the reigns a bit and be much less gun-ho. I managed to chat to others, soak up the atmosphere and really enjoy the race...and even managed to keep enough in the tank for a sprint finish (I said I was being sensible...not changing completely!)

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

The weather...again! Second race in a row now heat has played a major factor. This was far worse, and at only 5k in I saw the first out of hundreds that day succumbing to heat-related medical issues. I have to admit I was surprised at the amount of people wearing dark, long-sleeved tops and more-so - those without water or electrolytes.

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

I simply...went a bit slower. Still at a pace where I knew I'd be happy with the result...but having a full-blown conversation with a lovely chap from Bristol Uni for about 10 minutes 10k in, I knew I was hovering around that z2 area that I could sustain the activity for a lot longer...even in the heat.

What was the best bit?

I positioned myself somewhat close to the start for the gun. Turning around and seeing 15,000 other people who love what you love was an incredible feeling.

What was the worst bit?

Someone spraying me with a water pistol close to the end. Whilst I know they were doing it to help with the heat...it completely broke my focus.

How were the crowds/supporters?

So - this was the first race where my race number also had my name on. Half way around someone yelled 'GO ON KEV!' to which I wish there was a photo capturing the confusion on my face that someone in Bristol knew me on first name terms! The crowds were truly amazing...they genuinely did the city proud and if for nothing else...go next year and see the incredible atmosphere they bring to Bristol.

What would you do differently next time?

Run with some ice cubes in my boxer shorts.

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

The out and back at the start looks minuscule on a map - it really isn't and is roughly about 50% of the race. The second half comprises of twists, turns and cobbles as you snake around the city center...even incorporating a section in a park. The differing terrain can throw you, but settle in to your groove and you'll be just fine. Oh, and there's a cheeky hill a few k out from the finish.

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

Yes. If you want a half with a big Marathon feel...this is the race for you.

How did you celebrate completing your race?

Had a can of Raspberry Himbeere in a converted shipping container. You know the saying 'When in Bristol...'