Race Report: Brighton Marathon by Emily Le Beuvant


Name: Emily Le Beuvant

Race: Brighton Marathon 2024

Favorite RNRR Session: I enjoy trails the most, but I've started to embrace group running.

Goal Time: No target time, just get round and enjoy (although secretly we all have a time in mind right!?)

Finish Time: 03:49:00

Where did you stay?

Leonardo Hotel (formerly Jurys Inn). 

How did you get to the location/race?

We trained to Brighton from Gatwick on the Friday, had some time to explore and get our bearings of where we needed to be for race day. We even did the Preston Park parkrun which started in the same place as the marathon. Our hotel was about a 15 minute walk from the start line. I like to be closer to start with less stress rather than close to the finish.

Were you running for a cause?

I wasn't, but I was running with Wayne who was. But running for a reason made the hideous winter weather much more bearable.

Why did you decide to enter this race?

It was easy in terms of logistics, it was ideal timing for Wayne to see where he was at and you can just buy an entry. 

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

I have been coached by Rik De Louche for about three years now, across multiple distances. I thought moving from trails to focus on the road would be soul destroying but I mostly enjoyed the training block. I wouldn't say it was all plain sailing, but the result was worth it.

How was the race organisation beforehand?

Amazing. We had weekly emails with tips and training suggestions plus notice of the train strikes. The signs for the start were already out on the Friday and the start at Preston Park was filled with people yet didn't feel busy. Bag drop was efficient and quick (including collection the other end) and once in your start pen there was barely hanging around. 

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

As with all races, don't go out too hard. It's easy to get carried away with the crowds and you're bound to feel good at the start but 26 miles is a long way! I stuck to my nutrition strategy but unfortunately my water intake was less than ideal, which hit me hard during the later stages of the run. 

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

The heat! After spending the winter training in head winds, torrential rain and even snow it was a shock to the system. I saw a few casualties along the way. 

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

Drinking would have been the obvious way but I still didn't do that properly! Mental strength to dig deep and having a great partner who made sure I kept going. We were in it together for a reason and we were finishing together no matter what. 

What was the best bit?

Crossing that finish line! We also got our pedals given to us by Paula Radcliffe which made all the effort worth it. I even fan girled and got a selfie! 

What was the worst bit?

The heat. The first half was also undulating (and I'm not a fan of hills!).

How were the crowds/supporters?

Insane! At one stage there were no barriers and the crowds were so close, Wayne said it was like being in the Tour de France. The support was just incredible and if you have your name on your T-shirt people cheer for you like you're their mate. 

What would you do differently next time?

Hydrate properly, in the lead up and during the race. I am just so paranoid about needing to go for a wee, but there's plenty of toilet stops. A quick pit stop is better than passing out. 

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

Do it! Brighton is a fab place to visit. The food is great, the people are friendly, the crowds are just bonkers and if it's your first one then it's relatively stress free in terms of logistics. 

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

Yes definitely. They also have a 10k on the same day so if a marathon isn't your thing, you can do the 10k and then soak up the atmosphere. 

How did you celebrate completing your race?

The first thing I did was have a cup of tea! We then had a celebratory pint with friends before going for a Sunday roast at a lovely pub. 

What's next?

There's always something ...

Any final thoughts?

Brighton is a big marathon in terms of people but not as big as London, so it may be less intimidating if it's your first time. There was plenty of room around me to run and find a rhythm.