Race Report: Canaccord Half Marathon by Kev Alway


Name: Kevin Alway

Race: Canaccord Half

Favorite RNRR Session: Sunday Road Run

Goal Time: No goal time

Finish Time: 01:41:25

Where did you stay?

At my house...which was a shame as no mint on the pillow when I arrived, turn-down facilities were less than desirable and the Corby trouser press was just a waffle iron stuck to the wall...

How did you get to the location/race?

Busses were put on - further highlighting the race's eco-credentials (we had been asked previously for a 'tree not tee option' which I happily went for). Plus it's really nice hearing all the chatter on the bus; people who do this distance weekly all the way to first timers. Reminds you we all start on page one and chatting to people and encouraging them helps them continue their running story.

Were you running for a cause?


Why did you decide to enter this race?

Good leg-stretcher for the island walk next week.

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

I did! Rik helped tremendously in the lead up to this race - both mentally and physically. Slower more endurance-focused runs certainly helped build upon a good base for the longevity, sprint sessions helped especially at the end...but also shifting my mindset. It's true for a while I'd been primarily focused on pace...so again it's really nice to just run for running's sake and not be preoccupied with times or pace.

How was the race organisation beforehand?

Fantastic. Digby really went all out ensuring runners were kept in the loop and highlighted important information multiple times to ensure everyone knew exactly what was going on.

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

No - I really just enjoyed this one and ran at what was comfortable for me given the gradient and weather. 

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

Third race in a row the sun has had its hat on. This was very much evident on five mile road with little shade. But the sea breeze really did help and luckily again I ran with a soft bottle topped up with electrolytes so was able to replenish what I was sweating out.

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

Pick lines that were more shaded when they came along, not beast myself and go too hard...take the scenery in when running along five mile became somewhat monotonous.

What was the best bit?

Hanging for a bit at the end clapping all those finishers crossing the line - and seeing fatigued faces switch to elation.

What was the worst bit?

Focusing on the fact I was to run up the hill at Pulenete so much...completely didn't realise we were also to go up L'Étacq!

How were the crowds/supporters?

Big supporter contingency at the start/finish and was lovely to see islanders along the route come out of their houses and cheer people on.

What would you do differently next time?

Look at the route map.

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

Check the weather forecast as in the sun especially with the hills this one could catch you out. Take the downhills at pace but don't let gravity take over too much. 

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

I would - but certainly not as your first foray in to half's. 

How did you celebrate completing your race?

I had a pint of Apple Juice with some ice in it. I know, on the hard stuff prior to midday.