Race Report: Guernsey Marathon by Kevin Alway


Name: Kevin Alway

Race: Guernsey Marathon

Favorite RNRR Session: Sunday Road Run

Goal Time: Sub 4

Finish Time: 03:43:49

Where did you stay?

I stayed at the Premier Inn - simply due to price and being a chain I've used before - you know what you're getting.

How did you get to the location/race?

I'd checked beforehand and the hotel was roughly 2k from the start - a perfect warmup run away! 

Were you running for a cause?


Why did you decide to enter this race?

I've scheduled 16 challenges this year - all differing distances and disciplines. After running part of the Jersey Marathon last year and remembering the heat - when scheduling this year I wanted something to test me throughout the late winter/early spring. 

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

Training was good, I felt comfortable throughout and primarily just ran in a structured format but at a pace I felt like on the day. I did not use a coach.

How was the race organisation beforehand?

It was good. They kept ontop of communications via email, their social channels kept you enthusiastic and race pack collection was a dream!

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

Simply: don't KO! During my Jersey Marathon I had a 'sudden and unexpected cardiac event' that floored me, and I spent several subsequent weeks popping to the hospital for tests and such. Not long after getting the all clear I ran a solo marathon around Jersey just to prove to myself I could do it...and quell the itch that had been developing due to starting something, and not finishing it. So this was my second marathon - and beating my solo attempt and actually finishing without getting a lift in an ambulance were my only two goals!

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

Yes - the weather. Standing on the start line Guernsey was dappled in light, with a breeze rolling off the sea. I remember commenting to a fellow RnR runner who'd travelled over how perfect the conditions were. Then at about 10k - all of the clouds decided to nip home and subsequently the day became warmer than Satan's armpit. I've got a great photo of my two-tone arm after the race to discourage anyone from not applying suncream this year!

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

Additional fluids along the course. We were so lucky in that Guernsey Marathon had already stated they not only provided water but un-carbonated sports drinks en-route, so although I took some out I trained with knew worst case scenario there would be the option to use and get some electrolytes if needed. Unfortunately due to the amount that was needed cramp started setting in at 30k and that certainly was a point I just had to put my head down and crack on.

What was the best bit?

Whilst my family didn't travel over with me I took one of my daughter's hair bands and wrapped it around my wrist. At any point things seemed tough I 'pinged' it and your mind automatically gets redirected. At one point I did this - looked up and there was a small girl who looked similar to Lilly with her arm out. For the briefest of seconds I thought it was her...and this made me smile when mentally I'd just been running on fumes.

What was the worst bit?

Cramp 30k in closely followed by the heat.

How were the crowds/supporters?

Incredible. Seeing as though most of the race was out in the sticks the amount of people out cheering for us was incredible. 

What would you do differently next time?

I'd probably add some more structure to my training. Whilst I'm happy with what I achieved (as should everyone no matter the time) I feel I could of hit the wall that bit later if I'd of perhaps had a coach.

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

The hill at the start goes on for longer than it seems, don't focus on the coast as it seems to go on forever, the golf course isn't flat.

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

Absolutely. Not only is it in relatively close proximity to the island, but the course is challenging yet doable - especially if seeking a PB.

How did you celebrate completing your race?

Had a few pints of Breda ofcourse!