Race Report: Manchester Marathon by Louise and David Bailey


Name: Lou & Dave B

Race: Manchester Marathon - 2 man relay

Favorite RNRR Session: Lou: Intervals

Goal Time: sub 2

Finish Time: 01:51:00

Where did you stay?

Kimpton Clocktowe in Manchester - would highly recommend

How did you get to the location/race?

Manchester is so easy to get to and navigate. Quick flight, 20 min uber to hotel the trams to the race start, fionish & relay changeover point. 

Were you running for a cause?

Not this time

Why did you decide to enter this race?

Lou: Lucky enough to be invited by our Adidas supplier so would be rude not to! Dave: Lou made me do it

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

Lou: working with Rik all day has added benefits! He was kind enough to coach me and I owe my PB to him! I loved just having to follow my training schedule - simple!. Dave: I have a Tri coach who adapted my overall 70.3 program to accommodate 2 half marathons and a 145km bike race in a 4 week period. I should plan races better! 

How was the race organisation beforehand?

Lou: Seamless Dave: brilliant

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

Lou: Doing the 2nd leg of the relay gave me the advantage of avoiding all the race start stress & nerves (the main reason I rarely participate in races). Once Dave handed over I could just ease into my race pace and crack on. Dave: Just thought I would see how my legs felt on the day and go from there. I had run a PB 3 weeks before so wasn’t planning a time. In the end I went out pretty well and suffered a bit in the last 3km. Hung on till hand over. 

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

Lou: Maths. They had distance markers alternating between miles and kilometres. I knew my leg was going to be slightly longer and when the going got tough in the last few k’s I just couldn’t work out “HOW MUCH LONGER!!!!” Dave: Bands were great along the route and found myself struggling to remember the words to Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain” when I ran past one group and was trying to sing along. 

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

Lou: just focused on the amazing crowds and kept moving forwards until the finish line. Dave: mumbled

What was the best bit?

Lou: Flat course and amazing support from the crowds - they covered every mile Dave: the crowds were amazing. My fave bit was a bloke with a Karaoke machine singing “Don’t stop Believing "

What was the worst bit?

Dave: needing a pee 1km in

How were the crowds/supporters?

Lou: The best. They make so much effort! Dave: see above! 

What would you do differently next time?

Lou: Take an extra gel for the last few k’s Dave: not ride Paris Roubaix the week before

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

Lou: Take in the crowds Dave: just have fun

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

Lou: 100% Dave: Yup. My second time there. Great city

How did you celebrate completing your race?

Lou: Finish line Erdinger. Dave: A coffee and some cake

What's next?

Lou: It’s inspired me to do Royal Parks Dave : More type A fun

Any final thoughts?

Would make a great RNRR club event net year