Race Report: Southampton Marathon by Chris Luce


Name: Chris Luce

Race: ABP Southampton Marathon (7th April 2024)

Favorite RNRR Session: Hills

Goal Time: 3hrs 20/3hrs15

Finish Time: 03:37:00

Where did you stay?

Novotel West Quay less than 10mins walk from start/finish line.

How did you get to the location/race?

Logistically an easy race to get to from Jersey, we got the ferry to Portsmouth as we had the car, but numerous daily flights into Southampton. Lots of hotels around the city centre, the race itself starts and finishes from Guildhall Square so very easy to get to.

Were you running for a cause?

No, just for a PB attempt.

Why did you decide to enter this race?

Stupidly about 7 weeks before, tying in a family holiday to Legoland and a marathon seemed like a great idea.

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

16 week training plan in 7 weeks with no coach, can't understand why I didn't get a PB ????.

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

My original race strategy was to run the first loop at 4min40 a km pace and then speed up on the second loop to a 4min35 pace. So what actually happened? Starting gun went off and I set off keeping pace with a lovely blonde with pigtails running 4min 15 kms, pretty sure she was an Olympic athlete (she wasn't) felt good so kept pace well until I hit about 30km in. Then realised my knees were hurting, my legs felt like lead and didn't want to move, felt sick, oh and I had major thigh chaffing, so much so I had blood dripping down my inner thighs.

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

Stupidly setting off to fast, and major chaffing (even though it was same gear I did a 1hr28 1/2 marathon 2 weeks before.)

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

I struggled mentally and physically, it was the hardest marathon I've ever done. Closest I've been to a DNF.

What was the best bit?

Not a saints fan but definitely running through St Mary's Stadium (twice)  Running over the Itchen bridge was pretty cool. 

What was the worst bit?

Physically the last 8km. But also the wind was very gusty in places (was storm somethingoranother - can't remember too many storm names to keep track of)

How were the crowds/supporters?

Amazing amounts of support bands and live music. Brilliant atmosphere in the race Village before and after the race.

What would you do differently next time?

Train properly and not get distracted at the start line.

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

Take in the scenery, it's an amazing route.

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

Yes 100% recommend, I will definitely be running it again.

How did you celebrate completing your race?

Unfortunately I didn't celebrate, I pretty much staggered across the finish line in a messy heap of blood sweat and tears.

What's next?

Taking a little break from running, before training for a PB in October for the Jersey Marathon, (I might even get a coach.)

Any final thoughts?

I was really disappointed after I finished the marathon, until I realised, actually, although it was probably mentally the hardest race I've done, I only had myself to blame, and the race itself was hands down one of the best races I've done. Never did find out how the blonde did.