Race Report: Trail Fest 10 Mile by James Milner


Name: James Milner

Race: Trail Fest 10 mile

Favorite RNRR Session: Thursday intervals (literally the only one I've made it to)

Goal Time: 01:45:00

Finish Time: 01:49:00

Where did you stay?

Local - St John resident so only 2.5k from the start line.

How did you get to the location/race?

I thought I could use that 2.5k as a warm up so I jogged it. Still not sure if that was a smart idea or not.

Were you running for a cause?

No, sorry. 

Why did you decide to enter this race?

Started running at Christmas and did my first trail race at the start of March (El Diablo 10k). This felt like the natural next step up. The North Coast cliff paths are about 200m from my front door and I love being out there. Never thought I'd enjoy running and now it's a big part of maintaining my mental health - races are just something to aim for.

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

Training was good until the last couple of weeks where I probably pushed a bit too much on some trail runs to compensate for a lack of miles (and because I was really enjoying being out there). Left the calves a bit tight in the build up which was sub-optimal and meant I had to purchase some very fetching compression socks. A coach would have been useful. I'm currently just making it up as I go.

How was the race organisation beforehand?

Awesome. Clear, easy to follow instructions. Probably cut my arrival at the start line a bit close though (see above, re: jogging from home)

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

Don't go off too quick!! I always struggle to manage my adrenaline on the start line and push too hard, too early. I wanted to hold back to save energy for the latter part of the race and felt that I could keep a steady pace throughout. Unfortunately, the moment I heard 'GO', I went off like a half cut snake. Heart rate was high for most of the race over terrain I don't normally struggle too badly with and had to walk a few stairs I'd usually run. Live and learn.

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

THE RACECOURSE! I thought I was nearly at the finish line when I saw people cheering by the cars. I was NOT ready for a few furlongs around Les Landes on the soft ground with long grass. Newfound respect for horses.

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

Overcome isn't really the word I'd use for it. I persisted through the power of negative energy and muttering darkly about bonus miles.

What was the best bit?

All of it. It's just a beautiful course. Mourier Valley or Plemont probably my favourite parts. Lovely vibe at the finish and made a few new friends.

What was the worst bit?


How were the crowds/supporters?

Crowds is a bit generous but the supporters were epic. So good to see people at the various stages - especially in Rock n Road pink!

What would you do differently next time?

I would taper my training, I wouldn't jog to the start line, I would carry more gels, I would invest in horseshoes. I would probably do a longer distance.

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

Go at whatever pace the trail tells you and enjoy some of the best views in the world. Leave time for socialising at the end. 

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

Absolutely. Great first one to step up from the shorter distances.

How did you celebrate completing your race?

I went for dinner at Portelet Bay Cafe because I really, really enjoy stairs.

What's next?

Round the Rock Marathon in August (NOT the ultra). 

Any final thoughts?

I should probably start training for that marathon.