Race Report: Trail Fest Jersey Double Top by Leon Pierre


Name: Leon Pierre

Race: Double top 40 miles

Favorite RNRR Session: Saturday morning trails

Goal Time: 10:00:00

Finish Time: 09:28:00

Where did you stay?

At home 

How did you get to the location/race?


Were you running for a cause?

Not this time, but I hope to in future races

Why did you decide to enter this race?

My parents had both done the run before and highly recommended it. I also wanted to challenge myself by doing my first ultra. 

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

Training was hard (lots of hills) and consistent, but also enjoyable as I knew there was a goal at the end. I did not have a coach as such, but due to my mum’s experience she was able to tell me what sort of sessions I should be doing.

How was the race organisation beforehand?

The race organisation was brilliant from start to finish, everything was very clear and informed to myself in plenty of time from the moment I signed up to when I finished the race!

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

I did have the plan to stick with my mum for definitely the first leg and however long necessary in the second leg as I knew she would pace us well due to her experience. This actually went perfectly and I ran the first 35km or so with her before going slightly ahead, but we were never more than 5-10 minutes apart and the pacing was great as I was able to push the pace in the last few km’s.

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

Due to good training and knowing the route well, I didn’t encounter too many issues that I may not have expected. The only thing I couldn’t anticipate is how difficult I found it to be to eat and drink after about 8 hours. It became the last thing I wanted to do, but was still very necessary to give me the energy I needed.

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

I just knew that it was so important to keep fuelling and hydrating so I slowed right down if I needed to in order to eat or drink. Also, I found taking more regular, shorter sips to be easier than more infrequent but larger volumes at once.

What was the best bit?

This has to be crossing the finish line with my Dad and fellow runners cheering me on, it made it all worth it. Aside from this, the scenery was amazing and helped to make it even more enjoyable, as well as the fantastic support along the way! 

What was the worst bit?

The worst bit for me by some margin was the climb up Bonne Nuit steps and the next kilometre or so after that. This happened at just over 45km into the race and nearly broke me! Luckily I knew that after this the rest of the course was less hilly and this motivated me to keep on going.

How were the crowds/supporters?

The support on this run was brilliant. Even the people who weren’t involved at all and were just out for a walk on the cliff paths would give encouragement. I was also lucky enough to have my Dad supporting me throughout and this massively helped. Also, I have to give massive credit to the brilliant marshals and people at aid stations who made life so much easier, they play a massive part in it. 

What would you do differently next time?

Surprisingly, as my first ultra, this race went almost perfectly for me. I know this won’t always be the case, but I think if I train properly and am able to fuel myself consistently throughout, I will be in a great position for more good races! I have now learned what method of fuelling/hydrating works best for me so I will aim to implement this from the start next time.

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

Train properly for it. Plenty of hills should be included in this as the route does have many brutal inclines. Fuelling is so important, make sure to eat and drink regularly, not only when you feel hungry/thirsty. Also, aim to enjoy it. If you enjoy it then it’ll make it so much easier and the time will fly by. It is a very scenic course so admire it, but not too much as it’s easy to trip up! Pacing yourself sensibly from the start will make it a much nicer experience as you will be able to finish stronger and not be crawling over the line.

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

I would absolutely recommend this race to other runners. It is a huge challenge but also one that is very achievable with the right preparation. As mentioned, it is likely one of the most scenic races you can do, and the feeling of completing it is like no other.

How did you celebrate completing your race?

A few of us who had done the 40 miles or other distances went into town for some food and drinks and had a great catchup about all our different experiences that day. Then, the next day, we all met up again and went for some drinks and food before ending up at a music festival in town which ended up being a great day out with other runners. Admittedly, this probably wasn’t the best recovery ever, but it was well deserved!

What's next?

I am running a 24km UTMB race in the Tenerife mountains with my Mum and Dad on 8th June, which we are all massively looking forward to. It’s been quite a quick turnaround from the Double Top, but training is going well and I’m excited for it. After that, I think I might have my first rest week for a very long time and enjoy the sun in Tenerife! 

Any final thoughts?

I thoroughly enjoyed this event as a whole and from everyone who I’ve spoken to across all the different race distances, the feedback seems to be the same. It’s a brilliantly organised event with fantastic support and is a great day out, I thank everyone involved for making it so successful. I’m sure I’ll be back in the future. Could not recommend this more!