Race Report: Trail Fest Jersey Single Top by Daryl Hopla


Name: Daryl Hopla

Race: Trail Monkey Trailfest 2024 20 Mile “Single Top"

Favorite RNRR Session: Weekend road and trail runs 

Goal Time: 4-5 hours 

Finish Time: 05:30:00

Where did you stay?

Jersey resident, so stayed at home

How did you get to the location/race?

I drove a car share to the start, picking up fellow RnRR participants enroute.  Oliva Shanks and her friend Tori, as well as my event running partner Alexandra Schluep

Were you running for a cause?


Why did you decide to enter this race?

It was Alex’s idea (although she’ll say it was my idea!).  Alex suggested doing the Double Top relay a few months ago.  But with the changes made this year to create Trailfest, the Double Top relay was not an available event.  So “WE(!!)” agreed to run Single Top together instead.

How was your training? Did you have a coach?

I had done the Trail Monkey El Diablo half marathon trail run 2 months before.  The following week I did the Jersey Intertidal Challenge.  So, the training for these events, and those events themselves, provided a good base to work from.  I then added to the base with RnRR Saturday trail sessions during April 2024.  But didn’t do much more in terms of training runs. Did you have a coach? Not really.  I do a couple of PT sessions a week, one of which is one-to-one with Scott Welsh at Funktion Fitness.  We will talk generally about running things.

How was the race organisation beforehand?

Well organised, with regular and frequent detailed communication from the organiser.

Did you have a specific race strategy, and if so, did you stick to it or have to adapt during the race?

Not that I recall.  Just keep moving forward.  The event was going to be the longest distance I have/had ever covered.  So, whilst there was a vague target finish time, it was more about achieving a finish rather than a specific time, so strategy wasn’t really that important.

Were there any unexpected challenges you faced during the race?

Yes…!!  Sadly and surprisingly from Mile 17 onwards I experienced severe cramps in all my leg muscles, in both legs.  At times I was able to keep running, when it was flat.  But for any steps, I had to shuffle up one step at a time.  I felt frustrated by this, and sorry for Alex, who I felt I was holding back.

How did you manage to overcome those challenges?

One step at a time! By the very end, the circuit of the horse-racing course, despite it being mostly flat, I was not able to run more than a few metres, so ended up walking for most of the final mile.

What was the best bit?

Experiencing a major distance trail event for the first time with friends from the local running community.  This included cheering on Scott and other RnRR when we crossed paths of those running the 40 mile ultra marathon Double Top.  Also enjoying the natural beauty of Jersey’s north coast on what ended up being a clear, warm sunny day.

What was the worst bit?

The muscle cramps…

How were the crowds/supporters?

My perception of the Trailfest concept was that there would be a not insubstantial crowd at the finish area.  However, I don’t think my perception met reality.  There was small crowd cheering on the finishers.  But sometimes quality is better than quantity.  My friend Zena waited about 90 minutes after finishing her 10 mile Trailfest event to capture Alex and I crossing the finish line on video.  The marshals and aid stations included fellow RnRR – so it was great to be met by familiar faces and be cheered on by friends along the course.

What would you do differently next time?

Increase fluid and electrolyte intake.

What advice would you give other runners doing this race?

Preparation is key.  Jersey’s north coast trail has big changes in elevation, so be prepared for the big climbs, most of which are in the first half of the event.  Pre event training, and in-event nutrition/hydration are essential.

Would you recommend this race to other runners?

Yes. I enjoyed the event greatly, despite not finishing it in the manner I would have liked.  I feel I want to do it again and perform better.

How did you celebrate completing your race?

A finish line beer, and out for dinner in the evening.

What's next?

A couple of half marathon events in September, as part of preparation for my first full road marathon (Jersey marathon) in October.

Any final thoughts?

The post-event glow and sense of achievement lasted well beyond the finish line.  In the days following the event, the organisers released several batches of event photos, which brought back the event feeling.  A last comment on my legs.  Despite the severe cramps, recovery was very quick, and I was back enjoying a gentle run club 5k within 2 days.